
Yarmouth Bluffs Condominiums

Bluff Road, Yarmouth, Maine 04096

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Information for Buyers, Renters and Realtors

Unit Purchase Information

We are pleased you are considering a purchase here at the Bluffs.
This page contains links to some useful information for your purchase decision and process.

About Yarmouth Bluffs

Financial Information

The monthly condo fee for 2024 is $770 per unit payable in advance on the first of the month.
The monthly fee includes water & sewer fees and Spectrum Internet & TV Package.
Budget and Reserves

Governing Documents

Condo Declaration
YBCA Bylaws
YBCA Rules
Owner/Association Responsibilities

Condo Resale Certificate

A condominium resale certificate prepared by the Association is usually required for the purchase of a unit.

To request a resale certificate please send an email to,
enter "TREASURER: Resale Certificate Request" as the subject.
In the body of the email be sure to include the unit address in the request
as well as your name and contact information.

Create the email manually or click the following link
to automatically create a draft email that you can complete and send.
Create request email

YBCA Unit Rental Guidelines

Unit owners are welcome to lease/rent their units provided the following guidelines are followed:

YBCA Rules
Owner/Association Responsibilities

Lessee Agreement Form